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4 participantes

    Eldar Tactica


    Mensagens : 2414
    Data de inscrição : 17/04/2012
    Idade : 45

    Eldar Tactica Empty Eldar Tactica

    Mensagem por hellboy Ter Jul 03, 2012 2:51 pm

    Directamente do warseer, fica aqui uma opiniao



    •RoWard are the best psychic defense in the game hands down. They got a HUGE boost with the nerf-batting of psychic hoods. Expect this to be a common reason for Eldar allies in other armies.
    •RoWit, same as before.
    •Witchblades got shifted, but it's more of a lateral move than anything. The bell curve peaks a bit lower, so it's not quite as good, but the difference is minimal.
    •Singing Spears are still S9, so huzzah! May be FAQ1.1'd out, but we shall see.
    •Ghost Helms are now the only thing that can save against perils. Kinda huge.
    •Some confusion about Spirit Stones and whether thay count as giving Mastery Level 2, but the FAQ for Eldrad makes it fairly clear to me that it does, so they have pretty good Deny The Witch saves.
    •Divination is a better set for Farseers than the codex list... unless you want/need fortune and doom. It becomes a tough choice, and many eldar may start running a cheap-ish fortune/doom seer with Eldrad, or another Farseer that can swap for Divination.
    •New Jetbike rules mean they are no longer instagibbed by S6. Hooray!

    •Kinda meh in the last edition, but useful in reserve-shenanigans lists. New restrictions on the amount of reserves pretty much make this choice one for fluffy players. Poor Autarchs
    •Kinda okay on a bike with spears now that S6 won't ID him. But Spears are still meh, so it's situational.

    •Same issues as generic Autarchs. No option for wings or Warp Jump Gnerator, so, with the new restrictions on assaulting out of vehicles, the Yriel Bomb is pretty much dead in the water. Poor Autarchs

    •See: farseer, plus all of Eldrad's normal dickery. Go-to for lore-swap because he's base Mastery 3, and gets 4 powers from our available lores.

    Phoenix Lords
    •Nerf to power weapons makes their lack of Invulnerable less of an issue.
    •Still overpriced.
    •Karandras and Jain Zar got a bit of a boost due to their AP2 weapons, but their respective aspects got kicked in the junk a bit, so they still suffer.

    Avatar of Khaine
    •Better Daemon save than most, though still vulnerable to regular power weapons.
    •"Melta" no longer being a weapon type might create confusion in the RAW crowd who will try to say that things like melta bombs don't have the "melta" weapon type and so can still hurt the Avatar. Make sure to slap those people if you play them.
    •Wailing Doom makes no mention of ignoring armor saves, since in previous editions that was a function of his MC status. Unsure how this CCW now works.
    •Still da boss.

    •Witchblade nerf hampers their tank-hunting abilities a bit.
    •Will need to be careful with placement for wound allocation. Can no longer try to save a guardian from a gun that breaks his armor (read: all of them) with her inv save, so she's likely to be leading from the middle in most groups.
    •Conceal is pretty bad, now that it's easier to get cover. Still fun in a unit of Wraithguard with Karandras.
    •Embolden and Enhance are still good.
    •Destructor is the same.


    •Rapid fire boost puts their guns so far behind the curve that they're practically useless.
    •Inability to assault out of a vehicle (even when parked) put a pretty hefty few nails in Storm's coffins.
    •Starcannons got a bit of a boost from the cover adjustment, and focus-fire.
    •Worst troop in the game right now. Poor Guardians. Sit over there by the Autarchs. Maybe we'll see you again in a few months.

    •Holy crap. Choosing targets on a roll of 6 to hit, where we also get AP1!? They are ridiculously good now. Maybe not 24 points apiece good, but certainly our best troop option.

    Dire Avengers
    •Man, our guns just get worse and worse. Shuricats just lag behind every imperial gun out there, and most other xenos' as well.
    •Defend plus snap fire plus Divination help makes them a pretty serious contender for an actual tarpit worth using as a tarpit.
    •Exarch's Power weapon looks like a spear, so options exist if you charge, but AP4 afterwards is pretty crap. Best to convert to a Power Axe of some sort to get S4 AP2. Even at I1, it'll be better.
    •Direswords are pretty decent now, as they are a power weapon with special rules, so regardless of appearance, they're AP3... which is enough for this unit. If you're fighting something that can save against a regular power weapon, you're probably dead, and just trying to slow someone down for a turn.

    Guardian Jetbikes
    •New Jetbike rules make them T4 straight up, with the 3+ save and Jink, they're actually quite good at zooming around and staying alive.
    •Can actually use them as an aggressive unit rather than just hiding in the backfield to nab last-minute objectives, though that option is still on the table.
    •Hammer of Wrath rule gives them a decent assault option. I still wouldn't run them into anything harder than a wet paper sack, but they're better than they were at this.
    •12" in the movement phase and 36" in the shooting? Holy crap that's fast. With their free 2d6" in the assault phase they can cover the entire board in one turn. Even better than they used to be for stealing late-game objectives.


    Howling Banshees
    •Rough day for my girls. Power weapon nerf means no more termie-hunting for these girls.
    •No assaulting out of transports makes for an unlikely chance for them to assault anything.
    •Still need Doom Support, though Divination helps them a LOT.
    •Converting to axes could make them a lot better, but unsure how that will interact with the Banshee Mask.

    Striking Scorpions
    •Actually, they're pretty much the same as before. This edition didn't change them much at all. Vehicle nerf was harsh, but I never ran them in a transport anyway.

    Fire Dragons
    •Still the go-to Vehicle killers.
    •Vehicle nerf hurt them a little, they lose a couple inches of range when disembarking and shooting.
    •Melta Bombs in CC make them pretty beastly against walkers and MCs now, as they hit on WS but at I1.
    •Still underpriced, but may see less necessary use as the meta shifts away from Mech.

    •Current FAQ gives them both their spotting rules AND Stealth and shrouding. Do not expect that to last past the 1.1 FAQ.
    •FC losing the +1 Init is rough, but they usually go first anyway, so whatevs.
    •Actually survivable out in the open now, especially with fortune support.
    •New HP rules make them a really good answer to light vehicles (though, honestly we have better answers).
    •The go-to CC unit for taking down TEQs.

    •Love me some Wraithguard. 10-man with a fortunseer and divination help make them one of the toughest bricks to move in the game (except for DE who can go lick a frog).
    •Guns will still kill god.
    •Snap fire and divination will pretty much guarantee noone wants to deal with them in the normal way (CC).
    •Great centerfield anvil that you can use to manipulate enemies' movement and tactics.

    Fast Attack

    Shining Spears
    •Improved Mobility, Jink save and access to Skilled Rider make them much more survivable than before.
    •Lances still meh, but Hammer of Wrath attacks give them a bit of a boost.
    •Still too expensive and too small a unit for anything beyond running around the periphery and taking out already-torn-up units.
    •Meh all around, especially as they are now unable to break Termie armor on the charge.
    •Unsure whether their lances follow the BRB "Power Lance" rules or their own. It's kind of moot due to the nature of the difference between AP3 and AP4, but may need to be FAQ'd.

    Warp Spiders
    •New HP rules actually make them a really good light-tank hunter.
    •Spinneret Rifle kinda worth taking now due to the bonus on the pen chart. Also good at sniping special weapons in units due to the new character rules.
    •Better, but unsure if good enough to take in general games. Will need to see how things shake out a bit.

    Swooping Hawks
    •Hey, we can toss grenades now... cool!
    •New HP rules make them actually good at what they're supposed to be good at: Killing tanks.
    •Jump infantry AND fleet make it so that they are good at getting where they need to be.
    •Still overpriced and fragile. Better but not great.

    Vyper Squadron
    •HP system made them even more fragile than they already were, which is saying something.
    •Can fire two weapons at full BS while moving 12 meand the chin cannon is back.
    •Using flat-out jink saves and "wound" allocation meand you can use one vyper to screen two others who can still shoot. Very cool new tactic.
    •All in all, I think they got a boost, but they're still hard to justify at 70+ points apiece.

    Heavy Support

    Support Weapon Battery
    •New Artillery rules actually make these a lot better with T7, 2 Wounds.
    •Vibro-cannons are pretty good at shaving hull points now... can do so from multiple vehicles if they line up nicely.
    •D-cannon got worse due to the new blast rules, unlike most others, since it doesn't have a strength value.
    •Shadow Weaver is still blah.
    •Just what we need: more HS competition.

    Dark Reapers
    •Always one of my favorite aspects, they got quite a bit better with the reduction of cover.
    •Tempest launcher got hurt by new scatter rules.
    •Can now be a threat to light vehicles with the HP system.
    •Still cost too much, exarch still needs to be able to spread his powers around, but better than last edition.

    •Is a Character. Yeah. Let that sink in.
    •No need for Smash as he's already S10.
    •Hammer of Wra(i)th rule makes them fun, though they're still meh in CC.
    •3+ armor still sucks against long range AT weps, power fists, thunder hammers and the like.
    •DE still chuckle with pity when you bring one to a game with them.
    •All in all about the same... maybe a slight boost.

    War Walkers
    •Still the bomb.
    •Scout is about the same for Walkers.
    •Now threatens light/medium armor like whoa.
    •Reduced cover may make starcannons viable again.
    •HP ystem made them more fragile, but new squadron rules mean that immobilized guys can be left behind and still shoot. Awesome.

    •HP system hurt them a lot.
    •Hofields no longer worth it. Any result is equally bad, now, due to the HP system.
    •Even Spirit Stones are meh.
    •Can fire two weapons at full BS while moving 12" is good... means no longer having to take EML for plasma defensive bull.
    •No more DAVU shenanigans due to needing to be disembarked to claim/score.
    •Big Guns Never Tire make them a huge target, and their reduced survivability almost guarantees you're giving up a lot of VP.
    •In short: kicked in the nards.

    Fire Prism
    •HP system hurt them a lot.
    •Holofields no longer worth it, spirit stones however, are still worth it.
    •Blast rules both help and hurt... larger scatter, but no half-strength make them very dangerous to tanks.
    •Cover nerf makes them even more dangerous against MEQs and TEQs with the combined shot.


    •Probably the largest casualty to the new vehicle rules, waveserpents are now nearly worthless.
    •The energy field no longer really helps, because glances are nearly as dangerous as pens now, and any result is bad.
    •Only being able to disembark after moving 6" is pretty terrible for us. That you can move afterwards might be okay if our only exit wasn't in the rear.
    •Inability to assault out of a parked transport basically guarantees that our transported troops will never meet their target at full strength.
    •Star Engines mean you can move 12" in the movemenet phase and 30" in the shooting phase, so that's a bit of a boost.
    •But being easier to hit in CC means that you can't rely on speed to keep you alive when charging a flank.
    •Ugh. Just ugh.

    I'm not going to go over Forgeworld stuff, because it's late and y'all can talk about that. These are my first impressions of how the new rules effect the Eldar. Please, if I am wrong about something let me know. I would love to find new and cool ways to make some of our stuff shine again. The biggest thing is that our vehicles, due to their mid-range AV and high price tag, are severely hurt by the new rules, moreso than many other lists. Imperials still have 35-50 point rhinos that will work nearly as well as a waveserpent for 1/3 the price. Necrons get the extra HP on vehicles with similar costs. We just can run enough of them to overcome the ease at which they will be going down. Let us hope for some cheaper transport options in the new book, maybe an open-topped Venom-like one, though seeing the serpent get an assault ramp would make it the bomb again. But enough wishing... what can we do in this edition to compete with the big boys?
    dark intet
    dark intet

    Mensagens : 203
    Data de inscrição : 17/04/2012
    Idade : 44
    Localização : matosinhos

    Eldar Tactica Empty Re: Eldar Tactica

    Mensagem por dark intet Ter Jul 03, 2012 6:59 pm

    Já agora podes dar uma vista de olhos aos dark eldar. Obrigado

    Mensagens : 520
    Data de inscrição : 17/04/2012
    Idade : 39
    Localização : Porto

    Eldar Tactica Empty Re: Eldar Tactica

    Mensagem por Ebizo Qua Jul 04, 2012 10:42 am

    Já agora se conseguires de encontrar de Space Marines mestre Pascoa era bacano. Obrigado Very Happy

    Mensagens : 2414
    Data de inscrição : 17/04/2012
    Idade : 45

    Eldar Tactica Empty Re: Eldar Tactica

    Mensagem por hellboy Qua Jul 04, 2012 1:06 pm

    Ebizo escreveu:Já agora se conseguires de encontrar de Space Marines mestre Pascoa era bacano. Obrigado Very Happy

    okay vou ver isso ehehehehe.........

    Mensagens : 512
    Data de inscrição : 18/04/2012

    Eldar Tactica Empty Re: Eldar Tactica

    Mensagem por Kopos Qua Jul 04, 2012 3:17 pm

    Isto significa que Iyanden já é jogável?

    Mensagens : 2414
    Data de inscrição : 17/04/2012
    Idade : 45

    Eldar Tactica Empty Re: Eldar Tactica

    Mensagem por hellboy Qui Jul 05, 2012 8:23 am

    WTF.... ja nao se pode assaltar de veiculos mesmo que eles nao andem WTF?????

    como é que eldar assalta?

    aqui vou eu thg3 e saves de 5+ a pé ter contigo, WTF????

    Mensagens : 520
    Data de inscrição : 17/04/2012
    Idade : 39
    Localização : Porto

    Eldar Tactica Empty Re: Eldar Tactica

    Mensagem por Ebizo Sex Jul 06, 2012 11:11 am

    Pois, é para a malta apostar mais nos flyers! Evil or Very Mad

    Mensagens : 2414
    Data de inscrição : 17/04/2012
    Idade : 45

    Eldar Tactica Empty Re: Eldar Tactica

    Mensagem por hellboy Sex Jul 06, 2012 1:36 pm

    calma zé ...

    tens de pensar no pior

    eu ainda nao li bem mas... lembra-te que tens muitos jogadores de IG aqui no norte e se bem li nos foruns e rumores, IG traz squadras de valkyrias a afins..

    agora pensa como eu...

    cada valkyria leva 3 lascannons sendo que um deles é twin-linked

    tu como marines levas stormraven (alias acho que marines nao levam isso só mesmo BA e GK) que é armadura 12

    stormraven ignora os 2D6 de meltas mas.... nao ignoram lascannons

    ora S9 3 tiros para armadura 12 mesmo com os covers de 4+ acredito que o stormraven vai com os caes rapido

    pior ...

    IG traz squadras de 3 valkyrias (penso eu, o camisa pode confirmar isso melhor que eu) olha sao 3+3+3= 9 tiros por turno de S9 ap2


    moral da historia...


    estao a rir-se pra caralho dos outros que nao tem hipotese de contrapor isso...

    repara necrons entao ... catacombe com lord - D3+1 ataques com arma de S7 +2D6 de penetração ap1 e ignora covers

    AHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAAH..... olha os flyers a cairem todos !!!!!

    nao sei .. ainda estou a estudar o que pode ser mais resistente em termos de roster para se aguentar contra Flyers e necrons/nids/Ig

    sinceramente.... Evil or Very Mad

    Mensagens : 2414
    Data de inscrição : 17/04/2012
    Idade : 45

    Eldar Tactica Empty Re: Eldar Tactica

    Mensagem por hellboy Sex Jul 06, 2012 2:58 pm

    okay vou ajudar com imagens o que estou a dizer:

    primeiro uma errata, graças a deus a valkyria só leva 1 twin-linked lascannon


    mas as vendettas levam 3 twin-linked lascannons Shocked Shocked

    como podes ver um stormraven custa 200 pontos, tem armadura 12 12 12, da para levar 10 senhores que se o veiculo fizer zooming quem vai la dentro leva com S10 sem armor save .. upa upa ...

    Eldar Tactica Stormraven-1

    uma vendetta custa 130 pts leva 12 modelos Shocked e tem 3 twin-linked las

    Eldar Tactica Vendettasevalkyrias

    Eldar Tactica Squadrons

    por isso como ves compensa e de caralho o camisa levar vendettas... o meu stormraven de 200 pts vai kaput ... com os caes num instante!!!

    pergunta valera apena levar stormraven de 200pts?

    e ainda le esta parte do Faq do camisa (IG)

    Eldar Tactica FaqIG-1

    e entao? nao vale apena IG Very Happy ????

    e ainda ... vamos lá ler a regra de esquadroes

    Eldar Tactica Squadronsveicules

    quer dizer.. parte má, temos de disparar as 3 vendettas para a mesma unidade inimga, mas okay mato o MC flyer num instante e limpo o stormraven na mesma

    mas por outro lado a regra squadron-mates abadoning é ouro.. antigamente era destruido o veiculo imobilizado, agora fica para tras operacional upa upa ...

    e ainda vamos lá dar um look a esta novas regras de flyers

    Eldar Tactica Flyers01

    Eldar Tactica Flyers02

    Eldar Tactica Flyers3

    entao vale apena flyers ou nao?

    com evade ganha jinks - oover de 4+

    depois para disparar tem que andar 18" dispara e depois anda ate 36 se quiser, mas nao perde o evade ehehehe...

    tudo bem só dispara em modo evade com snap shots mas sim 3 twinlinked las deve disparar alguma coisa nao?

    o pior é só mesmo para quem vai la dentro se for destruido, de resto vendettas sao OURO !!

    agora on-topic: espero para ver o novo dex de eldar, isto vai ser XULADISSIMO de certeza, basta ver os modelos forgeworld e imaginar as suas regras em 6ª upa upa!!

    Conteúdo patrocinado

    Eldar Tactica Empty Re: Eldar Tactica

    Mensagem por Conteúdo patrocinado

      Data/hora atual: Ter maio 14, 2024 2:11 pm